2025 Annual Meeting of the US Deprescribing Research Network

All sessions are listed in Central Time (CT). 

Pre-conference Session

  • Date:
  • Time: -
  • Track: Clinical Practice
  • CME/CE: 0

Additional fee session. Held in conjunction with the AGS Annual Meeting

We are pleased to announce the in-person annual meeting of the US Deprescribing Research Network - open to all people who are conducting or care about research on deprescribing medications and addressing medication overuse among older adults.


This meeting will comprise a wide-ranging series of sessions and activities that are focused on:

  1. Enhancing skills, providing multidisciplinary perspectives, and offering practical guidance on and opportunities for deprescribing research
  2. Communicating how the network can help you and your research interests
  3. Building collaborations and community among people interested in deprescribing research and how it can be used to improve care for older adults

The meeting speakers and agenda are not yet finalized, but please see our website for examples of agendas from the last several years of meetings. The meeting will include a poster session. Encore submissions from research submitted for presentation at AGS and other meetings are welcome. Click here to submit an abstract.

Join us as we build a community of researchers and stakeholders that will generate science, address logistical and safety challenges, and develop infrastructure to promote the conduct and dissemination of research on deprescribing.

7:45-8:30 AM 

Registration and Breakfast 

8:30-9:00 AM 

Welcome Address   

Cynthia Boyd, MD, MPH – Johns Hopkins University

Michael Steinman, MD – University of California, San Francisco and San Francisco VAHCS  

9:00-10:00 AM  

Keynote Address: Evidence Synthesis, Clinical Practice Guidelines, and Research Implications for Deprescribing Safety

Emily Reeve, BPharm(Hons), PhD – Monash University

10:00-10:15 AM 

Mid-AM Break and Snacks

10:15-11:15 AM 

Moderated Panel: Deprescribing and Age-Friendly Health Systems

Patrice Johnson, Pat Merryweather, Jeanette Averett, Rani Snyder

Moderator: Nicole Brandt, BPharm, MBA – University of Maryland

11:15AM – 12:00PM

Updates in Deprescribing Research

Amy Linsky, MD, MSc – Boston University and the VA Boston Healthcare System

Kristin Zimmerman, PharmD– Virginia Commonwealth University

12:00 AM-12:45 PM 

Lunch Break

12:45-1:45 PM  

USDeN-Sponsored Research Showcase Panel

Gurjeet Birdee, MD, MPH – Vanderbilt University

Elizabeth Addington, PhD – Northwestern University

Erica Sharpe, PhD – National University of Natural Medicine

Tim Anderson, MD, MAS – University of Pittsburgh

Discussants: Pete Murray, PhD- NCCIH and Constance Fung, MD, MSHS - UCLA

Moderated by: Amanda Mixon, MD, MSPH and Sandra Simmons, PhD – Vanderbilt University and VA Tennessee Valley Health Care System

1:45-2:45 PM 

Small-group Breakouts - theme-based discussions and activities to enhance your research, networking, and potential collaborations 

2:45-4:00 PM 

Poster Session (and Mid-Afternoon Snacks) 

4:00-4:45 PM 

An Expanding Framework for Understanding the Role of Communication in Deprescribing

Moderated by:  Terri Fried, MD – Yale School of Medicine

Sandra Ko – Caregiver and Community Advocate 

Nancy Schoenborn, MD – Johns Hopkins University

Rick Street, PhD – Texas A&M University

Robert Wahler, PharmD – University at Buffalo

4:45-5:00 PM 

Closing Remarks 

Cynthia Boyd, MD, MPH – Johns Hopkins University

Michael Steinman, MD – University of California, San Francisco and San Francisco VAHCS