Arti Hurria Memorial Award for Emerging Investigators in Internal Medicine that are Focused on the Care of Older Adults


To recognize emerging investigators in general internal medicine and the specialties of internal medicine whose research, as evidenced by a submitted abstract, is focused on geriatrics aspects of their subspecialty and who are committed to a career in aging research.  


The Hurria Memorial Award is open to junior and mid-career investigators from general internal medicine and the specialties of internal medicine (including geriatrics). Other eligible specialties include Dermatology, Neurology, and Psychiatry. Please contact us if you’re unsure if you are eligible for this award. 

Eligible applicants will have held a faculty appointment for more than 5 years, but less than 10 years since completion of post-graduate training in their discipline and will be committed to sustaining a research career in the geriatrics aspects of their subspecialty. 

Applicants must demonstrate evidence of a record of accomplishments in aging/geriatrics research, such as: 

  • at least one first-author original aging/geriatrics research publication (not a review article); 

  • pilot funding awards for aging/geriatrics research; previous abstracts describing research investigations; 

  • at least two poster/oral presentations of aging research at national meeting; or 

  • at least one research grant submitted as principal investigator. 

Applicants must also demonstrate evidence of a career plan related to aging research. 

Scope and Definition

Topics are invited in basic research, clinical investigation, clinical medicine, and public health, as well as research in the fundamental neurosciences. No case studies or clinical vignettes will be considered. Awards will be chosen based on originality, scientific merit, relevance of the research, as well as the applicant's demonstrated commitment to and accomplishments in aging research. 

By submitting an abstract for consideration, the investigator agrees to allow the committee the option to select the entry for presentation as a research paper or poster and agrees to make the presentation him/herself. 

Application Process

Applications must include the candidate's biosketch (NIH-style, 4 pages maximum), the research abstract, applicant letter, and three letters of recommendation. Abstracts must be submitted electronically on the Annual Meeting abstract submission site. The biosketch and letters must be uploaded using the nomination form and should attest to the applicant's primary role in the research, the importance and significance of the studies as well as the general research accomplishments of the investigator. 

Please provide a 150-word summary statement of your nominees’ achievements which we will use in our announcements and speeches.  Your summary should focus on the impact that they have had or will have on the field of geriatrics.


$1,000 will be awarded to the recipient.

Applications for 2024 are now closed. 

View Current and Past Awardees