Program Schedule

All sessions are listed in Central Time (CT). 

Time Session Track Category
- Age-Related Hearing Loss: A Primer on the AAO-HNS Clinical Practice Guidelines Clinical Practice Symposia
- Engaging Community Health Workers in 4M's of Care for Older Adults Models of Care Symposia
- An Update to the AGS Position Statement on the Care of LGBTQI+ Older Adults Clinical Practice Symposia
- Best Practices and Updates in the Management of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia Clinical Practice Symposia
- NIA Symposium for Researchers at Mid-Career and Beyond - Opportunities for Established Researchers Research Symposia
- Palliative Pharmacotherapy for End-Stage Cardiovascular Diseases Clinical Practice Symposia
- The Value-Based Age-Friendly Care Models of Care Symposia
- Artificial Intelligence and Geriatric Medicine: Innovative Uses of AI to Improve Clinical Care and Health Professions Education Clinical Practice Symposia
- Overcoming Barriers to Implementation of Age-Friendly Health Care Systems Models of Care Symposia
- Strategies to Advance Research Through Inclusion of Diverse Older Adults Research Symposia
- The State of Diabetes Care in Older Adults in 2025 Clinical Practice Symposia
- Guardianship Overview: From Capacity Assessments to Ethical Decision-Making Ethics Symposia
- Leadership Curriculum: Leading Across Boundaries Professional Development Symposia
- Managing Depression in Older Adults Clinical Practice Symposia
- Rheumatology in the Golden Years: Diagnosis and Management of Late-Onset Rheumatic Diseases Clinical Practice Symposia
- The ABC's of NIA Grantsmanship- For Early Career Researchers and Their Mentors Research Symposia
- Henderson State-Of-The-Art Lecture: Collaborating With Other Specialties to Include Clinical Trial Outcomes Important to Older Adults Clinical Practice Symposia
Time Session Track Category
- Navigating the CMS Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) Model: Successes and Challenges From Four Healthcare Systems Models of Care Symposia
- The Future of Geriatric Medicine in the United States Research Symposia
- Update on Heart Failure: What Geriatrics Providers Need to Know Clinical Practice Symposia